
Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 11: Polka Dots (Constellations!)

Hi all! I'm excited to show you guys today's mani!

The theme for today is Polka Dots. Upon looking for inspiration, I started thinking about doing something a little out of the ordinary. When you hear the prompt "Polka Dots," I'm sure you think of something like this, right?

That's what I think of too...but the purpose of this challenge is for me to do things that I wouldn't normally think of!

Originally I thought of doing a sort of connect the dots mani and doing something like you'd see in a children's workbook with the dots and the corresponding numbers. But I didn't think I'd have enough room on each nail to do something like that... so I thought of something similar...

Constellations! I could still do dots that were supposed to represent something, but didn't have to draw parts of the image!

I used a base of Zoya Indigo for the night sky. Indigo is a beautiful navy blue with teeny tiny holographic glitter. The glitter wasn't noticeable enough to represent a night sky though, so what do I do? What else but add some Fairy Dust on top of it! I love Fairy Dust way more than I should...

Here are some pictures of Fairy Dust over Indigo:

Then I used the point of a needle (yes, a needle) to dot on the various constellations. Can you figure out what any of the constellations pictured below are? They are all actual formations!

Constellations from L to R: Orion's Belt, Hercules, Perseus, & Bootes (even though I admit it looks like The Big/Little Dipper

I am loving this constellation mani! And it was so so simple to do! Does this fall under Polka Dots or did I stray too much from the theme? ;)


  1. What a unique way to do this challenge! I love it!! I just love constellations and love looking at the stars!! I only knew Orion's belt-but really can't believe that you did ACTUAL ones-not just random dots-makes it that much cooler!!

  2. This is subtle and really pretty! Great job :)

  3. LOVE THIS!! You did an awesome job :)

  4. So adorable! Definitely simple but conveys the message!

  5. What a fantastic job! I LOVE Indigo. But then again, I've never met a blue I didn't like :-)

  6. That is awesome! And I love that Zoya colour!

  7. I like that Zoya nail polish so pretty!

  8. Awesome manicure!!! I love the constellation theme.

  9. This is adorable! Love that Zoya polish! Great photos!

  10. very cool idea for the challenge! and it looks fantastic!

  11. Oh my god, I can't even explain how much I love this manicure. I've always loved stars and the night sky, so this for me is just beautiful. It'a just.. so fantastic! I love that you made actual constellations, it just makes it so much better. I love Orion's belt.. It's always so easy to spot on the night sky :D
    Awsome manicure!!

  12. What a superunique and awesome manicure! Love the polish you used as a base and the constellations turned out great!

  13. This is gorgeous! What brand makes fairy dust?


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