
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day Water Marble

Guys. GUYS.

It's an exciting day in the Brown household. Why, you ask? Wellll..... I FINALLY managed to do a half-way decent water marble. HUZZAH! AND...

Wait for it....

I got a BRAAAAND NEWWW CAAAAR!! (I hope you said that in a "Price is Right" voice....because I did...) I know right?! DOUBLE HUZZAH!! I'M SO FLIPPING EXCITED!!

I'd been driving an old 2001 Sunfire since high school, and well, suffice it to say... poor little Sunfire was on his dying bed. And since I just recently got a job with my degree, I figured now's as good a time as any. Pardon my excitement, I just had to share with someone :)

Look at that sweet pimp-mobile...

Ok, I suppose you guys came here for a mani. Right?

For whatever reason, I decided I really wanted to do a [successful] water marble. If you guys have been following this blog for some time, you'll know that we both SUCK at water marbling. It's just..... not something that comes easily to me. But this time... I was on a mission! I sat down with my colors and experimented. And guess what? It only took me....

TWO FREAKING HOURS TO DO. I kept having to redo fingers and the whole freaking process is just way too time consuming and WAY too messy. But it came I guess that's okay. Props to you guys who make awesome water marbles because... I just don't get it. It seemed like sometimes the polish dried WAY quicker than other times. And I couldn't get any decent designs carved into the polish and ugh..... it was so frustrating. The colors in this are Sally Hansen Lavender Cloud, Sinful Colors GoGo Girl, and China Glaze First Mate. Topped with China Glaze Fairy Dust. (DUH.)

Memorial Day water marble
Memorial Day water marble

/le sigh. I'm hopeless at water marbling.

Do you ladies in the States have any plans for Memorial Day? I do I do! I finally get a day off so we're having a little cookout with family :)

I hope you all have a safe and fun holiday!


  1. LOL, I love the little excitement images/gifs you put in. Congrats! New cars always make for excitement!

    1. They do! Except when I remember that I'll be paying my life away for the next 4 years :)

  2. Congrats on the pimp mobile and the water marble looks fantastic.

  3. These look VERY nice! All marbling turns out different, there's nothing wrong with these! I really really like the dotting and fairy dust too! =]

    1. Thanks Paige! I think I like that they're all a little different too :)

  4. I love that color combination!! :O
    looks sooo cute! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Make sure and ask the dealer for your College Grad rebate! That marble is beautiful!

    1. Tiffany - I tried to get it, but sadly you only get the college grad rebate if you use the dealer's financing :(

    2. Are you going through your own bank or credit union? If so, you are getting a better deal anyway. I finance Hyundais for a living.

  7. looks so pretty! I can never do water marbles either!

  8. Congrats on the new car!
    Love your mani :D It looks simply gorgeous!

  9. First of all, Congrats on a new car! OHMYGOSH NEW CAR SMELLLLL!!!!!!! It is a pimpin' little ride, fo sho!

    And second, I love this water marble! I don't really get it either... My designs are awful. Just plain awful.

  10. Congrats on the new car!! That is so exciting :) And... that's not just a "decent" marble.. this mani is awesome!! I love the added dots and glitter, but it still would have been awesome without it, nice job!

  11. Great marble....and sadly now I NEED that China Glaze! And hooray for the car!

  12. Gorgeous! One of the prettiest I've ever seen! The accents and glitter my it awesome!

  13. I'm not usually a fan of marbling, but your nails look beautiful!

    Congrats on the new car!

  14. Love the nails and the car. I share your excitement on that. I finally was able to get a new one too! I traded in my 97 Integra for a Sonata. I feel like a big girl now lol!


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