
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Green stripes

Today's mani is just a simple green stripe pattern for St. Patrick's Day.  I started with one of my favorite greens - Sally Hansen Grass Slipper.   I like the formula on this one.  It flows and levels well and the pigmentation is good with no streaking or dragging.  But it stains your nails REALLY badly so you might want to double up on your base coat before wearing this.

The stripes are done with a striping brush and Zoya Verushka and acrylic paint.  Looks kind of a like a watermelon doesn't it?

Oh, and some exciting news!   I got a job!!!  I've been looking since I relocated to Boston 3 months ago and am really happy with the place I found.  It's going to be SO nice to have money again!  Bye bye no buy!!! :-))))


  1. cute mani....congrats on the job :)

  2. Love stripe manis! I'm yet to do one :)

  3. Love the mani and congrats on your job! I lived in the Boston area for 10 years, it's an expensive area to live in. I enjoyed it though!

  4. I was so happy when i saw "Mad Manis" on the list of new posts this morning! Love your blog and i'm in love with this mani!! Congrats on the job as well!!

  5. Fun mani! And congrats on the job!!! :-)

  6. LOVE IT - so clean and fresh xxx


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