
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 23: Inspired by a book

I do not like green eggs and ham!

I decided to go with a children's book for Inspired by a book day. And you guessed it -- I picked none other than Green Eggs & Ham by good ole Dr. Seuss. I loved this book when I was a wee little lass :)

My pointer and pinky fingers have the green eggs and ham on them! The middle finger is the line "I would not eat them in a boat..." and the ring finger is "I would not eat them in the rain..."

I wish I could've done images that rhymed but I simply just don't have enough fingers to :P

Short post for today, hope you all have a good one!


  1. So cute! I love this book too as a kid....who didn't?

  2. Perfect! Dr. Seuss was the man back in the day! My favorite book of his was There's a Wocket in My Pocket =)

  3. This is really nice but isnt day 24 inspired by book? and 23 inspired by a movie?

  4. So cute!!! I just discovered your blog, and I am loving it!!!!

  5. Thanks all!

    @Jacqui: Surprisingly, I never read that one!

    @All Things Gorgeous: Thank you! Glad you are enjoying it :)


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