
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 16: Tribal Print

Tribal of the two manis of this challenge that I've been dreading since Day 1. And let me tell you.... I was completely right to dread this one!!

That's not to say that it didn't come out well.... it did, especially for my very first tribal mani... it was just the execution that sucked. This took FOR-EV-ER to do and I only did 4 nails! (Is that cheating??) Also, I didn't really have any sort of idea how to even begin. I found several tribal print manis and merged aspects of them into one that was a little more within the realms of my skill level.

The base color is Zoya Jancyn (Zoya, is that even a real name or are you just makin s#!* up now?), though you can't really tell because there's only a teeny weeny bit of it that ended up showing! The rest of the details were done with acrylic paint, a tiny paintbrush, and a LOT of patience.

Maybe I didn't like doing this one because I don't really dig tribal nails to begin with? I can appreciate the hard work that went into them, just not really my kind of style. But I can check tribal nails off of my nail to-do list, right? :)

Thanks for reading! Have a lovely Wednesday :)


  1. I agree with you on not being a big fan of tribals. But this design was good anyway!

  2. I´m not fan of tribal manis either, but this design looks cool.

  3. I don't like this trend at all! I never have like the design on anything - clothes, etc. But you did a good job!

    Maybe I'm still stuck on Halloween, but I see a little candy corn coloring in there and it made me happy :D


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