
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jesse's Girl - Flirt

Hello! Today I have for you a mani that I did using three coats of Jesse's Girl - Flirt. I LOVE Jesse's Girl polishes...they're such good quality for a drugstore brand. It's too bad that this color was as sheer as it was -- obviously I got it to full opacity, but it took a while. It's a really nice pinkish orangish mauve color. I hardly had any cleanup with this one! Sucks that I don't have a Rite-Aid near me or else I'd be all over the rest of these polishes. Anyway, here's three coats of Flirt:

You know me. After I did that, I needed something more on it. I'm not sure that this color works well with my skintone. I wanted to do yellow roses, but I've never done roses and I was a little scared, haha. I also didn't know if it's go with the pink base color, so I decided on a simple funky french -- skinny black tips. I probably should've left it there... I feel like I just kept adding things until it was the most random mani I've done in a while. I added the black dots with a dotting tool and covered the whole thing with a coat of Revlon Belle.

Then I was STUPID -- I got in the shower because I thought everything was good and dry... and pieces of polish came off of my right hand :( You'd think I'd know better by now...

Have a great day!!


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