
Thursday, February 10, 2011

China Glaze - Starboard

Finally got my Anchors Away colors that I ordered! Actually, my momma (who shares in my obsession of nail polish) ordered them for me a few weeks ago, but I don't get home from school much so I had to wait to get them. I got Starboard, Sea Spray, First Mate and Life Preserver.

Here is Starboard. I had issues applying this? I don't know why. And I had that annoying problem where the brush forms a giant bubble of polish on it and it kept dripping down the brush and making application just a total PITA because I had to keep wiping it off.

I like it, but I don't know. I feel like so many colors look good on other bloggers, then when I get them I just feel kind of... "eh" about them on me. So I decided to play with one of my other new polishes, Wet 'n' Wild in Party of Five Glitters. Except I must've been hurrying around because I dented the polish. :( So I took it off right after that happened. Ignore the blotchy part!

Hexagonal glitters are pretty, but man do I have a love-hate relationship with them. They're so annoying to remove. Even when I think I get all the glitters off, there's still a bunch of rogue ones hanging around. It's like Herpes...they never go away completely!

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